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Everything You Need to Know About JCS Toys

Brett McCallum

Our submission partners are the heart and soul of everything we do at Platinum Standard Grading and each one of them plays an important part in serving our customers. Our Q&A series allows us to shine a spotlight on some of our submission partners each month as we learn more about their store and background in the card hobby.

In this month's spotlight we have the Gold Coast's very own JCS Toys and Collectables.

How long have you or your business been in the trading card hobby?

We've both always been in business (since 1987) and originally started off as an aquarium, hobby and pet store. Coni has always been into her anime and card collecting and John has always been a bit of a Star Trek collector, so in 2016 we decided to open up JCS Toys in Carrara.

When was the first time you bought a pack of cards and what was it?

Wow, it would've been in 1995 and it was the original Pokémon base set I bought for my kids.

What product do you look forward to the most each year?

That's a good question. Coni looks forward to any of the Pokémon products and now that John has gotten into sports cards, he kind of looks forward to anything whenever there's a new set of cards. Any new releases or anything TCG related really.

Do you guys specialise in any sub-culture within the industry?

We are an official tournament store for almost anything - Pokémon, Dragon Ball, Digimon. We're also quite into our Anime products as well.

Why are you passionate about what you do?

We love how the hobby is such a community orientated space and enjoy seeing customers walk away happy with what they've purchased. Seeing a smile on a kids face is what tops it all for us.

Who is your favourite character?

John's favourite Pokémon character is Togepi and Coni's favourite Anime character is Hatsune Miku.


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  • Become an official PSG submission point and attract new customers seeking to grade locally

  • Earn a percentage of the profit from every card graded as part of your bulk submissions

  • Get your business featured in our promotional activities like emails, social media, videos and more


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